So much is possible for you.

Together, we’ll build a sustainable way there.


Hi, I’m Alicia…

I used to struggle daily with: digestive issues, migraines, low energy, skin issues, mood swings, hormone imbalance, & sleepless nights. When I started trying to improve my health with fad diets/shakes, I only felt worse. I was so confused.

It turned out all the health and diet knowledge I’d been absorbing throughout life was incomplete. Diets, calorie restriction and rules are not the key to wholehearted, healthy living. There is a better way.

I’m on a mission to help you discover what that looks like for you. So you can be the best version of yourself, boost your energy, and improve your mood through food and lifestyle, so you can feel and look your best. 


You are the expert…

I am committed to practicing a holistic approach to health and wellness for all. We’ll look at how all areas of your life are connected and tune into what your unique body is asking for. Each of us has innate body wisdom, and together we’ll (re)learn to not only tune into that wisdom but how to trust it. You are the only expert in your health and happiness. Period.

“She who has health has hope;

she who has hope has everything.”

—Arabian Proverb

Let’s chat and see if it’s the right fit for you.